At the beginning of each new year -- and especially this year -- we look toward positive change. What can we do in 2021 that is different, better, than in 2020?
I believe that key to doing things differently is to simplify.
Let’s face it, most of us suffer from information overload. Often, when we turn to the Internet to search for answers to our questions, we end up more confused than when we started. Virtually everyone has an opinion about virtually everything – and it’s all posted online. If you ask 100 different "experts" a question, you’ll probably end up with 100 different answers. So, you get pulled in a hundred different directions. If you can relate, drop a comment.
All this information overload leaves us with no clarity. And, when we don't have clarity, we put off making a decision. In turn, not making a decision means not taking action, and that can lead to failure.
So, it’s time to begin the process of simplifying.
Keep asking yourself:
What is the ONE thing I can do to accomplish X Goal?
What is the one thing I can do that will make everything else easier or unnecessary? (The One Thing Focusing Question)
What is the one thing I can eliminate from my life that will make it bigger?
And, when I do that one thing, and my goal is accomplished, how will I feel? What will that do for me long-term?
Got it? Now write it down.
I suggest you make your ONE goal in 2021 to simplify your life and your business.
You don't need more training. You don't need more education. You just spent the last 6 months indoors in-front of your computer.
What you need now is more action. And, more action occurs when you have clarity on what your ONE thing is, and why it’s important to you.
So, go forth and simplify, clarify, make a decision, and take action!
Love this! Best advice I’ve heard in a long time.