What and Who Matters Most?

- Finding the truth through the noise, in order to join the world of critical thinkers and big-action takers.

What if I was to tell you the single biggest determinant of your success, is your ability to question everything and find the right voices to listen to?

If my post-college years have taught me anything - it’s that your life and bank account are largely tied to who you choose to listen to and what you choose to act upon.

I began as an investment banker, transitioned to a Mega real estate agent and national mastery coach, then became a real estate investor, a net worth millionaire, and a local real estate “disrupter” as co-founder of an innovative, highly successful independent brokerage … before leaving real estate sales to go into mortgage banking. That’s a lot, but I’m just getting started in my journey.

Fortunately, the wealth journey doesn’t take a private high school diploma and an MBA from Harvard to figure it out; even a public school/college kid like me can do it … and become a net worth millionaire in less than 3.5 years at age 28.

Yet, few experience financial success. Why?

Living a life with focus requires asking yourself introspective, essential questions to reveal whether you are a critical thinker... or an instant believer. Since we live in a world replete with false narrative, non-stop spin, information inundation, alternative facts, and social stigma programing, the worst thing you can become is an instant believer.

Few succeed because they are instant believers without independent thought and/or they fail to complete diligence on the information or the people from which they receive their information.

That’s why Big Thinkers question everything.

To succeed, you have to check and re-check that the information you are digesting and relying upon is valid. In today’s world, you must triangulate your information against other perspectives and your own - and then further check the validity of the person from which you are receiving that information. Only after validity is established, do you have the foundation to develop the necessary focus to examine, and sometimes reject, the status quo and reach your life goals.  

I created this business newsletter to support Big Thinkers. To help those of us willing to challenge, maybe reject, the “norm” or expected, in order to achieve goals that others may think impossible.

It starts with finding the truth, and then acting upon it.

The best opportunities are found within the disconnect between our common narrative and the truth, and that is how the companies I have started or taken leadership in have grown quickly and allowed me to build my wealth.

Although my focus is real estate, our topics span a broad universe, including real estate sales, real estate investing, creating generational wealth, contrarian thinking, financing options, capitalism, and learning from other strivers who think BIG.

But this newsletter is not simply to offer information and insight, it is to get some thought-provoking discussions going. Some big, zealous but always respectful discussions about big, important issues, where we may disagree just as passionately as we agree.

So, if you are tired of the news, educational systems, and businesses – including real estate brokerages -- that try to establish your thinking for you, please do follow along.

Interested? Here's a taste of my favorite previously penned articles:

Join the Big Thinkers and Disrupters

When you subscribe, you won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter will go directly to your inbox. (If you can’t find the newsletter, check your Promotions tab and your spam folder, then mark anything from Jon Brooks as ‘not spam.’)

Please consider telling a few friends about this newsletter, especially if they are the curious, even argumentative (but rational and civil), type. We have no time for YES people here.

Question everything and stack income streams!  So, follow along. Let’s get the conversations going and start the disagreements already!



Subscribe to Think Big. Question Everything. Build Wealth.

Think Big. Question Everything. Build Wealth.


Jon Brooks is a reformed investment banker, turned mega agent, residential real estate investor, national speaker & coach, and co-founder of Momentum.