Sep 4, 2021Liked by Jon Brooks

Ok this is actually hilarious. Good stuff! We had a very awkward situation with DL in the past so this doesn’t surprise me a bit! Those billboards aren’t cheap!

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Just want to help people in hard situations!

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Absolutely. I didn’t know all the back end story with them. That’s freaky. Y’all are doing all the right things! Proud of you both!

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I am so happy to start my real estate career off with this agency! Great stuff!

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Could not agree more about transparency of independent contractors agreement. You would be surprised at the lengths some companies will go to...to keep their trusting clueless agents in the dark about that little clause on how they keep your pending commissions if you choose to leave

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Very funny and very TRUE...not really a fable...but nicely told "like" a fable!

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This awesome! Creative, entertaining. And I think I recognize my first 2 years self in ZZ! Lol.

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