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"I also expect that one-stop-shopping transaction bundles will pick up market share. That means the brokerage sales, title, mortgage, insurance, home services, and even moving services, will all be bundled under one-roof, probably put together by the brokerages and offered to their agents." This statement couldn't be more factual. As the profit margin drops on a per-transaction basis brokers are going to have to find a way to compete on cost and still turn a profit by focusing on ancillary services.

I think one big misconception out there it's all or nothing meaning it's great tech or great customer service, but not both, however, we have proven you can do both. Another thing the industry has failed to recognize is that the vast majority of advances in RE tech have been agent-centric (making the agent's life easier) and not consumer-centric (saving buyers and sellers money by reducing commissions). This is about to rapidly change in the next coming years, significantly squeezing commissions and displacing the agents that are willing to adapt.


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